I have always loved ponies. As a pony-mad child the only currency in which my mother could negotiate with me was time in the saddle. Having gone through a ridiculous number of ‘grown up’ jobs over the years, I finally followed my heart & started golden ponies in 2019. It was the best decision I ever made.
I grew up on Dartmoor; semi-feral, I could usually be found thundering across the moor on a ‘thelwellesque’ pony with a dog in tow. I rode ponies of all shapes and sizes and did a little of everything; pony club, showing, hunting. All of it with great enthusiasm, none of it with much style.
Moving to the Cotswolds via Bristol to attend the Royal Ag College, I diligently committed myself to studying hunting with the VWH, cider consumption and wearing some very questionable outfits. From there my ‘careers’ took me to London, Devon and Exmoor, before returning to the Cotswolds where I now live.
A lot of gorgeous ponies later, Golden Ponies has evolved from a small yard to an all-encompassing equine broker service, solely focussed on matching ponies with homes. I have met some incredible people through the business and many clients have become dear friends; they are the most incredible supportive, loyal and kind team!
The philosophy behind Golden Ponies is a simple one; there is the right pony for every home, it is just a case of finding them. Whilst I am no talented rider (and getting wimpier by the year!), I am very good at interpreting what a child needs from a pony, what a pony needs from a home and matching the two. I am also a trained counsellor and it is amazing how useful those skills are to interpret what people need from me. What I love more than anything about this wonderful job is no two searches are the same and because of that, I never stop learning. That, fabulous people and divine ponies - what more could I want in life?!